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                 Intuitive Coaching &

                  Energetic Healing


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Meet Debbie Brown

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner,
Certified Intuitive Coach
Certified Advanced Belief Clearing Practitioner,

Essential Oil Enthusiast & More. 

I have always been involved in Wellness in some form or other throughout my life. From Nursing to Holistic Health, Healthy living  to Essential Oils, but it wasn't until my whole world was turned upside down that I redirected all my attention to my passion for wellness and energetic healing. 


When I discovered Dr. Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code, it was as though someone had connected all the pieces of my past learning and made them fit together in one awesome little package. I was over the moon that something so simple could have such a profound impact, bringing about results many had thought to be impossible.  Since then, I have continued my journey with Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G Jones, collecting more tools to help you identify and release emotions, belief patterns, and whatever may be holding you back. 

My Story


Meet Debbie
Why Naturopathy

Why the Emotion Code & Belief Clearing?

What type of issues can a Session with Me address?
  • Emotional & Behavioral, 

  • Self-care & Balance,

  • Career & Finances,

  • Abundance,

  • Forgiveness & Letting Go


And these are only the tip of the iceberg. 


  • Relationships, Parenting,

  • Physical Health,

  • Limiting Beliefs,

  • Negative Patterns.



Why? So you can live your best life ever.


Are you ready to feel better, to thrive?



"I used to be terrified just having to get into a car. I would be instantly overcome with a sense of panic and overreact, stressing out the driver. After one Emotion Code session I was able to ride calmly in a car, not feeling any of the old panic or stress. Those feelings just weren't there anymore!"


Your New Life Starts Here

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Contact Info


I am not a medical doctor. I am not here to diagnose or treat your illness. I am here to help restore your energetic balance, which allows your body to find it's own balance and heal. I will help you open your heart, and lovingly guide you to a better place in one,  or more aspects of your life.

© 2018 by Debbie Brown. Proudly created with






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